Hot Fix #32, Invoice previewing performance enhancements.
Before I mention the invoice previewing preview enhancements, I wanted to mention to folks that some of Deltek’s hot fixes are accumulative. Each subsequent accumulative hot fix may not contain information about items already addressed and fixed in prior hot fixes.
Invoice previewing improvements were introduced in Hot Fix #31 and are also included in Hot Fix #32. What some folks out in the user community were experiencing were small delays in while previewing invoices. These delays were seen as pauses between running the preview and then actually seeing the “Green Wheel” turn on the Microsoft SQL Server report. In addition, once the “Green Wheel” started to turn, the report did not take much time to run at all, but delays were seen up to that point.
I ran fiddler on our systems and took a screen shot of the delay I discussed. As seen below, the majority of the previewing time occurred during the “Building Report phase” which was occurring in the MethodCall .Net code.
Deltek has included performance improvement related to the building of the report which will reduce previewing times. It’s important to note that there is a one-time previewing delay each time a new template is loaded for preview, but all subsequent previews using the same template should see much better performance.