Assuming you have permissions, log into your reporting server via the following url.
http://YOUR_REPORT_SERVER_NAME/reportserver. Follow the link by clicking on each link (folder) you encounter. More than likely, each link (folder) will represent the structure of your installation. For example, it will more than likely be the following, install_directory/web_link_name/list_of_all_users_who_have_run_reports/Report_folders/ Report_instance_name./
Below is an example of when you finally navigate to the report instance you ran. Click on the image to take a closer look. You'll recognize the path of the report because it existed in several calls to the database I documented in my previous post.
exec CreateObject @ItemID='61A90D67-9B14-466E-98F0-3E967F646B86',@Name=N'Accounts Receivable Ledger',@Path=N'/Vision/WEB_LINK_NAME/USER_NAME/AccountsReceivable/AR Ledger__BAA6DDF0E57149E09925692F96EF950A
SSRS has been instructed by Vision to create and save the AR Ledger Report that was created through the Vision interface. This report is re-viewable through the native SSRS interface from outside of Vision. If you remember back in the actuate days, you could log into the Actuate Report Server/Report Volume through a java application and actuate provided the same functionality.
From a high level, I have tried to show you the interaction between Vision and the Report file, the reportserver database, and the SSRS service layer. Please feel free to respond to this post or email me directly if you have any questions or objections. Enjoy....
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