Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vision 6.1 SP4 architecture notes

Just a quick entry to let you know some high level details about the new Vision 6.1 application.

6.1 SP4 will now install and run on a 64 bit server, but still runs within the 32 bit application space. So it is not taking advantage of 64 bit.

6.1 SP4 also supports SQL 2008 R2.

6.1 SP4 works with Sharepoint Foundation 2010 for document management.

Please reply to add anything important you think I missed.


  1. Hey Jason

    This might be better for the forums but doesn't the client check the CFGSystem table to verify version?
    I'm asking because I just installed SP4 and now receive an error of "Database [DB name] must be converted from version 6.1.500 to version 6.1.600 before it can be used with Deltek Vision version"

    However I have looked @ the CFGSystem table which shows version 6.1.600 NOT 6.1.500...

    From my perspective SP4 has issues (and maybe it's on the client side). I ran the script DeltekVision61SP4.sql on one of the databases to see if that would help and saw no difference.
    Next I will try the unicode version... although the collation setting on the DBs is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS so I don't see how that will help

  2. Hey again

    I figured out my problem. The problem was that I forgot that I needed to change WebLink to point to the new server since everything was an exact copy of the old (including the WebLink settings).

    Hopefully this will help someone else... if they ever make a VM copy... and forget to change their WebLink... (OK not very likely lol)
